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ActiveRecord .select(): Possible to clear old selects?

Is there a way to clear old selects in a .select("table.col1, ...") statement?


I have a scope that requests accessible items for a given user id (simplified)

    scope :accessible, lambda { |user_id|
    .where("items_users.user_id = ?) OR items.created_by = ?", user_id, user_id)

Then for example in the index action i only need the item id and title, so i would do this:

@items = Item.accessible(@auth.id).select("polls.id, polls.title")

However, this will select the columns "items., items.id, items.title". I'd like to avoid removing the select from the scope, since then i'd have to add a select("items.") everywhere else. Am I right to assume that there is no way to do this, and i either live with fetching too many fields or have to use multiple scopes?

like image 927
mkon Avatar asked Feb 11 '11 07:02


2 Answers

Fortunately you're wrong :D, you can use the #except method to remove some parts of the query made by the relation, so if you want to remove the SELECT part just do :

@items = Item.accessible(@auth.id).except(:select).select("polls.id, polls.title")
like image 104
Holin Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


reselect (Rails 6+)

Rails 6 introduced a new method called reselect, which does exactly what you need, it replaces previously set select statement.

So now, your query can be written even shorter:

@items = Item.accessible(@auth.id).reselect("polls.id, polls.title")
like image 10
Marian13 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09
