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How to log real client ip in rails log when behind proxy like nginx


I have a rails 3.2.15 with rack 1.4.5 setup on two servers. First server is a nginx proxy serving static assets. Second server is a unicorn serving the rails app.

In Rails production.log I always see the nginx IP address ( and not my client IP address (

Started GET "/" for at 2013-11-21 13:51:05 +0000 

I want to have the real client IP in logs.

Our Setup

The HTTP headers X-Forwarded-For and X-Real-IP are setup correctly in nginx and I have defined as not being a trusted proxy address by setting config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies = /^127\.0\.0\.1$/ in config/environments/production.rb, thanks to another answer. I can check it is working because I log them in the application controller:

in app/controllers/application_controller.rb:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base     before_filter :log_ips      def log_ips         logger.info("request.ip = #{request.ip} and request.remote_ip = #{request.remote_ip}")     end end 

in production.log:

request.ip = and request.remote_ip = 


When investigating, I saw that Rails::Rack::Logger is responsible for logging the IP address:

def started_request_message(request)   'Started %s "%s" for %s at %s' % [     request.request_method,     request.filtered_path,     request.ip,     Time.now.to_default_s ] end 

request is an instance of ActionDispatch::Request. It inherits Rack::Request which defines how the IP address is computed:

def trusted_proxy?(ip)   ip =~ /^127\.0\.0\.1$|^(10|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|30|31)|192\.168)\.|^::1$|^fd[0-9a-f]{2}:.+|^localhost$/i end  def ip   remote_addrs = @env['REMOTE_ADDR'] ? @env['REMOTE_ADDR'].split(/[,\s]+/) : []   remote_addrs.reject! { |addr| trusted_proxy?(addr) }    return remote_addrs.first if remote_addrs.any?    forwarded_ips = @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] ? @env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'].strip.split(/[,\s]+/) : []    if client_ip = @env['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']     # If forwarded_ips doesn't include the client_ip, it might be an     # ip spoofing attempt, so we ignore HTTP_CLIENT_IP     return client_ip if forwarded_ips.include?(client_ip)   end    return forwarded_ips.reject { |ip| trusted_proxy?(ip) }.last || @env["REMOTE_ADDR"] end 

The forwarded IP address are filtered with trusted_proxy?. Because our nginx server is using a public IP address and not a private IP address, Rack::Request#ip thinks it is not a proxy but the real client ip that tries to do some IP spoofing. That's why I see nginx IP address in my logs.

In log excerpts, client and servers have IP address 10.0.10.x because I am using virtual machines to reproduce our production environment.

Our current solution

To circumvent this behavior, I wrote a little Rack middleware located in app/middleware/remote_ip_logger.rb:

class RemoteIpLogger   def initialize(app)     @app = app   end    def call(env)     remote_ip = env["action_dispatch.remote_ip"]     Rails.logger.info "Remote IP: #{remote_ip}" if remote_ip     @app.call(env)   end end 

And I insert it just after the ActionDispatch::RemoteIp middleware

config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, "RemoteIpLogger" 

This way I can see the real client IP in logs:

Started GET "/" for at 2013-11-21 13:59:06 +0000 Remote IP: 

I feel a little uncomfortable with this solution. nginx+unicorn is a common setup for rails application. If I have to log the client IP myself, it means I have missed something. Is it because the Nginx server is using a public IP address when communicating with the rails server? Is there a way to customize the trusted_proxy? method of Rack::Request?

EDITED: add nginx configuration and a HTTP request capture


server {     server_name    site.example.com;     listen         80;       location ^~ /assets/ {        root /home/deployer/site/shared;        expires 30d;     }      location / {       root /home/deployer/site/current/public;       try_files $uri @proxy;     }      location @proxy {       access_log  /var/log/nginx/site.access.log combined_proxy;       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;       proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;       proxy_set_header Host $http_host;       proxy_redirect off;       proxy_read_timeout 300;        proxy_pass http://rails.example.com:8080;     } } 

Nginx server is Rails server is My machine is When doing curl from my machine, a tcpdump port 8080 -i eth0 -Aq -s 0 on rails server show theses request HTTP headers:

GET / HTTP/1.0 X-Forwarded-For: X-Forwarded-Proto: http Host: Connection: close User-Agent: curl/7.29.0 Accept: */* 

And the rails log /home/deployer/site/current/log/production.log (Remote IP and request.ip lines being added by custom code):

Started GET "/" for at 2013-11-22 08:01:17 +0000 Remote IP: Processing by Devise::RegistrationsController#new as */* request.ip = and request.remote_ip =   Rendered devise/shared/_links.erb (0.1ms)   Rendered devise/registrations/new.html.erb within layouts/application (2.3ms)   Rendered layouts/_landing.html.erb (1.5ms) Completed 200 OK in 8.9ms (Views: 7.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms) 
like image 895
cbliard Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 14:11


People also ask

Does AWS ALB preserve source IP?

Because an Application Load Balancer terminates incoming TCP connections and creates new connections to your backend targets, it does not preserve client IP addresses all the way to your target code (such as instances, containers, or Lambda code).

2 Answers

In my opinion, your current approach is the only sane one. The only step that is missing is overwriting the IP address in env.

The typical REMOTE_ADDR seldom holds the correct IP if you've any amount of layers of proxies and load balancers and what not -- you're not unique in this respect. Each potentially adds or changes remote IP-related headers. And you cannot assume that each of those fields necessarily correspond to a single IP address, at that. Some will push or unshift an IP to a list instead.

There is only one way to know for sure which field holds the correct value and how, and that is to dive in there and look. You've evidently done that already. Now, just overwrite env['REMOTE_ADDR'] with its correct value using your Rack middleware. There's little point in letting any piece of code you didn't write log or process the wrong IP address, as is happening now.

(This being Ruby, you could also monkey patch Rack::Request, of course...)

For colorful reading that illustrate the varying degrees of which exotic setups can mess up attempts at finding a client's real IP address, see for instance the unending discussions that occurred about this for WordPress:

  • https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/9235
  • https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4198
  • https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4602

It's PHP but the gist of the points raised apply equally well to Ruby. (Note that they're unresolved as I write this, too, and that they've been around for aeons.)

like image 119
Denis de Bernardy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Denis de Bernardy

This seemed to do the trick for me. (set in nginx config)

   proxy_set_header CLIENT_IP $remote_addr; 
like image 26
Jason Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
