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ActiveRecord OR query

How do you do an OR query in Rails 3 ActiveRecord. All the examples I find just have AND queries.

Edit: OR method is available since Rails 5. See ActiveRecord::QueryMethods

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pho3nixf1re Avatar asked Sep 03 '10 21:09


People also ask

What is ActiveRecord?

1.1 The Active Record Pattern In Active Record, objects carry both persistent data and behavior which operates on that data. Active Record takes the opinion that ensuring data access logic as part of the object will educate users of that object on how to write to and read from the database.

Is ActiveRecord an ORM?

ActiveRecord is an ORM. It's a layer of Ruby code that runs between your database and your logic code. When you need to make changes to the database, you'll write Ruby code, and then run "migrations" which makes the actual changes to the database.

What does ActiveRecord base mean?

ActiveRecord::Base indicates that the ActiveRecord class or module has a static inner class called Base that you're extending.

What is an ActiveRecord relation object?

The Relation Class. Having queries return an ActiveRecord::Relation object allows us to chain queries together and this Relation class is at the heart of the new query syntax. Let's take a look at this class by searching through the ActiveRecord source code for a file called relation.

3 Answers

If you want to use an OR operator on one column's value, you can pass an array to .where and ActiveRecord will use IN(value,other_value):

Model.where(:column => ["value", "other_value"]


SELECT `table_name`.* FROM `table_name` WHERE `table_name`.`column` IN ('value', 'other_value')

This should achieve the equivalent of an OR on a single column

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deadkarma Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 02:11


in Rails 3, it should be

Model.where("column = ? or other_column = ?", value, other_value)

This also includes raw sql but I dont think there is a way in ActiveRecord to do OR operation. Your question is not a noob question.

Rails 5 added or, so this is easier now in an app with Rails version greater than 5:

Model.where(column: value).or(Model.where(other_column: other_value)

this handles nil values as well

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rubyprince Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 00:11


Use ARel

t = Post.arel_table

results = Post.where(

The resulting SQL:

ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > puts Post.where(t[:author].eq("Someone").or(t[:title].matches("%something%"))).to_sql
SELECT     "posts".* FROM       "posts"  WHERE     (("posts"."author" = 'Someone' OR "posts"."title" LIKE '%something%'))
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Dan McNevin Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 02:11

Dan McNevin