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Activator vs sbt

I upgraded from Play 2.1.1 to Play 2.3.2.

Now Typesafe has "Activator", which combines the several offerings of their platform.

I installed the "minimal" form of it, which is supposed to download features only as needed.

Then I thought, "Hey, isn't that the point of a build and dependency management tools like, I don't know, SBT?"

I found that I could just go to my Play project and run


Does this do something significantly different than running


(If I could just use SBT, I'd prefer that, since it has a Debian package, which IMO is easier to manage.)

like image 809
Paul Draper Avatar asked Aug 03 '14 02:08

Paul Draper

1 Answers

see here -- the activator-launch.jar file is the sbt launcher with an embedded properties file.

like image 113
ffxtian Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09
