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Activating loading animation by Html.BeginForm submission

I want to display loading animation when the user clicks on submit button. Simple gif will do the job. This is my code:

@using (Html.BeginForm("SData","Crawl"))
        Enter Starting URL:<input class="txt" type="text" id="sUrl" name="sUrl" title="Enter Starting URL"/>

        Enter Number of Threads:<input class="txt" type="text" id="Nbt" name="Nbt" title="Enter number of threads"/>

        <input class="button" id="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
like image 411
Dr_Freeman Avatar asked Nov 06 '12 21:11


People also ask

What is HTML BeginForm ()?

BeginForm() method to create a form. The BeginForm() method is an extension method of the HtmlHelper class that writes an opening "<form>" tag and it also calls the "Dispose()" method that writes a closing "</form>" tag.

What is difference between HTML BeginForm and Ajax BeginForm?

BeginForm() will create a form on the page that submits its values to the server as a synchronous HTTP request, refreshing the entire page in the process. Ajax. BeginForm() creates a form that submits its values using an asynchronous ajax request.

Why we use HTML BeginForm in MVC?

BeginForm is the Html Helper Extension Method that is used for creating and rendering the form in HTML. This method makes your job easier in creating form. Here, is the method to create a form using Html. BeginForm extension method in ASP.NET MVC5.

What is the use of BeginForm?

BeginForm(HtmlHelper, String, String, FormMethod, Object)Writes an opening <form> tag to the response and sets the action tag to the specified controller and action. The form uses the specified HTTP method and includes the HTML attributes.

1 Answers


I mistakenly thought the question concerned the AJAX helper. Here's how you could do it using the HtmlHelper.

First, add an ID to the form so you can grab it using JQuery:

@using (Html.BeginForm("SData", "Crawl", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "myform" }))
    // the form

Next, add a Javascript event handler to intercept the form submission and display the loading GIF.

$("#myform").submit(function(e) {

(Original answer follows...)

Use the AjaxOptions class to set a LoadingElementId, and the Ajax helper will display that element while waiting for the response from the server:

@using (Html.BeginForm("SData","Crawl", new AjaxOptions() {
    // form

Then simply place your gif wherever you want it to display (hide it initially):

<div id="myLoadingElement" style="display: none;">
    <img src="loading.gif" alt="Loading..." />
like image 147
McGarnagle Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
