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Activating a profile by default




I'm using Maven 3.0.3. I need to define a variable in my script ("env"). I have a <profiles> section in my pom in which I define the variable per <profile> element ...


In my pom.xml, how do I activate a profile only if none was specified via the "-P" command line option (and hence set the variable if it was not defined)? I tried the below,


but running the command "mvn compile" fails because the enforcer plugin I set up requires that I define an "env" variable. Here's the code I run for my enforcer plugin ...

            <message>Environment missing.  This should be either dev, qa, or prod, specified as part of the profile (pass this as a parameter after -P).</message>
            <regexMessage>Incorrect environment.  Expecting one of dev, qa, or prod.</regexMessage>
like image 275
Dave Avatar asked Jul 27 '11 18:07


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1 Answers

I know it was a long time ago, but I had this problem just now, so... You should do that:

like image 63
vhtc Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 05:01
