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Accessing the nested Arrays using ng-repeat in angularjs


I'm not able to access the array images in the nested collection. Why am I not able to see any output?

The model:

var obj = [{
    "id": "7",
    "date": "1 Jan",
    "images": ["507f42c682882", "507e24b47ffdb", "507e2aeca02d5", "507e2b19663a9"]
}, {
    "id": "7",
    "date": "1 Jan",
    "images": ["507f42c682882", "507e24b47ffdb", "507e2aeca02d5", "507e2b19663a9"]

This is the HTMl with ng-repeat:

    <li ng-repeat="img in item"> 
        <br /> 
        <li ng-repeat="img1 in img.images">{{img1}}</li>

Can anyone point me to what I'm missing?

like image 666
Sankar S Avatar asked Jan 16 '14 12:01

Sankar S

1 Answers

The problem is you are trying to repeat a list of li elements inside of a li element, which is invalid HTML. As such, angular will not render this.

Update your HTML to:

    <li ng-repeat="img in item"> 
            <li ng-repeat="img1 in img.images">{{img1}}</li>
like image 61
thomaux Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
