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angularjs unable to find templates directory, flask as backend

I am using flask as backend and angularjs on client-side

my directory structure:





my app.py file:

from flask import Flask, make_response,render_template
def aboutUs():
    return render_template("test.html", title="test page")

my directives.py file :

        $scope.$log = $log;


Flask was able to render the test.html template properly, but angular was showing hello.html, template not found error

like image 582
Rakesh Godhala Avatar asked Dec 24 '13 07:12

Rakesh Godhala

Video Answer

1 Answers

1. Jinja template

If hello.html contains Jinja2 markup then it is a template and needs to be rendered by Flask. Add an @app.route to render it.

def hello():
    return render_template("hello.html")

Then point to the hello URL in the Angular directive.

templateUrl: "{{ url_for('hello'}} }}"

2. Angular template

If the file contains only HTML (no Jinja2 markup), then it is not a template. It should not be in the templates folder but in the static folder; like static/angular_templates/hello.html.

Then point to the static file in the directive.

templateUrl: "{{ url_for('static', filename='angular_templates/hello.html') }}"
like image 51
Timothée Jeannin Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Timothée Jeannin