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Accessing Nested Map of Type map[string]interface{} in Golang

So I'm trying to parse a JSON response. It can be multiple levels deep. This is what I did:

var result map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal(apiResponse, &result) 

Firstly, is this the right way to do it?

Lets say the response was as follows:

{   "args": {             "foo": "bar"           } } 

To access key foo, I saw a playground doing this:


Here, what is the .() notation? Is this correct?

like image 424
Sreejith Ramakrishnan Avatar asked Mar 02 '15 10:03

Sreejith Ramakrishnan

People also ask

How do I create a nested map in Golang?

Golang Create Nested MapWe start by setting the data type of the key (top-level map) and the type of the value. Since this is a nested map, the value of the top-level map is a map. The previous code creates a simple restaurant menu using nested maps. In the first map, we set the data type as an int.

What is map string string in Golang?

In Go language, a map is a powerful, ingenious, and versatile data structure. Golang Maps is a collection of unordered pairs of key-value. It is widely used because it provides fast lookups and values that can retrieve, update or delete with the help of keys. It is a reference to a hash table.

1 Answers

The notation x.(T) is called a Type Assertion.

For an expression x of interface type and a type T, the primary expression x.(T) asserts that x is not nil and that the value stored in x is of type T.

Your example:


It means that the value of your results map associated with key "args" is of type map[string]interface{} (another map with string keys and any values). And you want to access the element of that map associated with the key "foo".

If you know noting about the input JSON format, then yes, you have to use a generic map[string]interface{} type to process it. If you know the exact structure of the input JSON, you can create a struct to match the expected fields, and doing so you can unmarshal a JSON text into a value of your custom struct type, for example:

type Point struct {     Name string     X, Y int }  func main() {     in := `{"Name":"center","X":2,"Y":3}`      pt := Point{}     json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &pt)      fmt.Printf("Result: %+v", pt) } 


Result: {Name:center X:2 Y:3} 

Try it on the Go Playground.

Modeling your input

Your current JSON input could be modelled with this type:

type Data struct {     Args struct {         Foo string     } } 

And accessing Foo (try it on the Go Playground):

d := Data{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &d) fmt.Println("Foo:", d.Args.Foo) 
like image 133
icza Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10
