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Accessing IOptions<T> object .NET Core

I am new to .NET Core and so apologies if this is a newbie question. I created a Web API project in .NET Core 2 using VS 2017.

For me, I have appsettings.json file with some connection settings.

After reading about IOptions<T> from microsoft tutorials, i am doing something like the following:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

    // I want to access MyOptions object here to configure other services?how do i do that?

    service.AddHangfire( // Get MyOptions.HangfireConenctionString etc.)

How do I access the created MYOptions object in ConfigureServices and also if I need to access it in Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,..) method?

I only saw examples of injection IOptions<T> in controllers in the tutorials.

like image 807
Coder Avatar asked Oct 31 '17 12:10


People also ask

How do I use IOptions in NET Core 6?

IOptions is singleton and hence can be used to read configuration data within any service lifetime. Being singleton, it cannot read changes to the configuration data after the app has started. Run the app and hit the controller action. You should be able to see the values being fetched from the configuration file.

What is the use of IOptions in .NET Core?

Use IOptionsSnapshot to read updated data IOptionsMonitor is a Singleton service that retrieves current option values at any time, which is especially useful in singleton dependencies. IOptionsSnapshot is a Scoped service and provides a snapshot of the options at the time the IOptionsSnapshot<T> object is constructed.

2 Answers

To use some settings in

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // Load the settings directly at startup.
    var settings = Configuration.GetSection("Root:MySettings").Get<MySettings>();

    // Verify mailSettings here (if required)

        // use settings variable here

    // If the settings needs to be injected, do this:

In case you require your configuration object to be used inside an application component do not inject an IOptions<T> into your component, because that only causes unforatunate downsides, as explained here. Instead, inject the value directly, as shown in the following example.

public class HomeController : Controller  
    private MySettings _settings;
    public HomeController(MySettings settings)
        _settings = settings;
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Steven Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 21:09


You are close

services.Configure<MyOptions>(options => Configuration.GetSection("MyOptions").Bind(options));

You can now access your MyOptions using dependency injection

public class HomeController : Controller  
    private MySettings _settings;
    public HomeController(IOptions<MySettings> settings)
        _settings = settings.Value
        // _settings.StringSetting == "My Value";

I took the snippets from this excellent article: https://andrewlock.net/how-to-use-the-ioptions-pattern-for-configuration-in-asp-net-core-rc2/ by Andrew Lock.

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Frank Nielsen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Frank Nielsen