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accessing first n variadic function arguments

I have the following code :

template<size_t sz,typename T=float> class Vec{
    T v[sz];    
    Vec(const T& val,const T&... nv){
        //how do i assign `sz` number of first arguments into `this->v` array

I want to create constructor, that receive generic number of constructor argument, and assign the first sz number of arguments into member variable of v

what I want to do, is to be able doing like this: Vec<3> var(1.0,2.0,3.0);

like image 449
uray Avatar asked Sep 26 '11 11:09


2 Answers

This is possible, but complicated. Here is some code that does it. It may be possible to eliminate the holder type, but I leave that as an exercise for the reader. This has been tested with g++ 4.6.

#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>

template<size_t ... Indices> struct indices_holder

template<size_t index_to_add,typename Indices=indices_holder<> >
struct make_indices_impl;

template<size_t index_to_add,size_t...existing_indices>
struct make_indices_impl<index_to_add,indices_holder<existing_indices...> >
    typedef typename make_indices_impl<
        indices_holder<index_to_add-1,existing_indices...> >::type type;

template<size_t... existing_indices>
struct make_indices_impl<0,indices_holder<existing_indices...> >
    typedef indices_holder<existing_indices...>  type;

template<size_t max_index>
typename make_indices_impl<max_index>::type make_indices()
    return typename make_indices_impl<max_index>::type();

template<unsigned index,typename ... U>
struct select_nth_type;

template<unsigned index,typename T,typename ... U>
struct select_nth_type<index,T,U...>
    typedef typename select_nth_type<index-1,U...>::type type;

    static type&& forward(T&&,U&&... u)
        return select_nth_type<index-1,U...>::forward(static_cast<U&&>(u)...);

template<typename T,typename ... U>
struct select_nth_type<0,T,U...>
    typedef T type;

    static type&& forward(T&&t,U&&...)
        return static_cast<T&&>(t);

template<unsigned index,typename ... U>
typename select_nth_type<index,U...>::type&& forward_nth(U&&... u)
    return static_cast<typename select_nth_type<index,U...>::type&&>(

template<size_t sz,typename T=float> struct Vec{
    struct holder
        T data[sz];

    holder v;

    template<typename ... U>
    struct assign_helper
        template<size_t... Indices>
        static holder create_array(indices_holder<Indices...>,Vec* self,U&&... u)
            holder res={{static_cast<T>(forward_nth<Indices>(u...))...}};
            return res;

    template<typename ... U>
    Vec(U&&... u):

int main()
    Vec<3> v(1.2,2.3,3.4,4.5,5.6,7.8);

like image 112
Anthony Williams Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Anthony Williams

I believe this satisfies all the requirements:

template <size_t sz,typename T,typename... Args> struct Assign;

template <typename T,typename First,typename...Rest>
struct Assign<1,T,First,Rest...> {
  static void assign(T *v,const First &first,const Rest&... args)
    *v = first;

template <size_t sz,typename T,typename First,typename... Rest>
struct Assign<sz,T,First,Rest...> {
  static void assign(T *v,const First &first,const Rest&... rest)
    *v = first;

template<size_t sz,typename T=float>
struct Vec{
  T v[sz];

  template <typename... Args>
  Vec(const T& val,const Args&... nv){
like image 29
Vaughn Cato Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Vaughn Cato