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Accessing data from 2 tables in Magento custom module




I need some help. I have created a custom module in magento that needs to interact with multiple tables.

I have used the following to get the table names


i have then added the following to my model

  public function _construct()

In the mysql4 folder i have...

 public function _construct()
     $this->_init('support/support1', 'ticket_id');
     $this->_init('support/support2', 'dept_id');
     $this->_init('support/support3', 'priority_id');

And in Collection.php i have...

public function _construct()

So using

$collection = Mage::getModel('support/support')->getCollection();

How can i define access to support1 or support2 etc. I have tried using...

$collection = Mage::getModel('support/support1')->getCollection();


$collection = Mage::getModel('support/support')->getCollection('support1');

but both failed, how is this supposed to work??

Thanks in advance.

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JSweete Avatar asked Mar 23 '13 00:03


2 Answers

Magento doesn't have a "one module, one data class" structure. Instead, a single module may contain many different models. Each model class accesses a single table.

So, your code generation tool gave you three classes something like

Package_Support_Model_Support                             //model
Package_Support_Model_Resource_Mysql4_Support             //model resource
Package_Support_Model_Resource_Mysql4_Support_Collection  //collection

These three classes are what makes up a single model in Magento.

So if you wanted support1, you'll need three more classes

Package_Support_Model_Support1                             //model
Package_Support_Model_Resource_Mysql4_Support1             //model resource
Package_Support_Model_Resource_Mysql4_Support_Collection1  //collection

Which would enable


The above code sample gets a model from the support module whose name is support1.

The specifics are too much for a single StackOverflow answer, but If you need more help this is an older article of mine that covers creating a model from scratch without code creation tools.

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Alan Storm Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Alan Storm

Try create the following folder structure and update the class definition for each file as needed


class <CompanyName>_<ModuelName>_Model_Support[x] extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract

class <CompanyName>_<ModuelName>_Model_Mysql4_Support[x] extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Abstract

class <CompanyName>_<ModuelName>_Model_Mysql4_Support[x]_Collection extends Mage_Core_Model_Mysql4_Collection_Abstract
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Renon Stewart Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Renon Stewart