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Magento Google Analytics Code is not showing

I am new to magento and I have placed my account number in my system > Configuration > Sales > Google API. I have also enabled Google Analytics. But still I can't see the Google Analytics code on any of my magento application. What I have double checked are:

  1. Account Number are proper (These are for the same domain name for which we are trying).
  2. Google Analytics is Enabled (Yes).
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Pukhraj Prajapat Avatar asked Nov 12 '10 12:11

Pukhraj Prajapat

2 Answers

Same here. It turns out that the problem was caused by my customized theme that was developed for magento 1.5 and now is applied to 1.7.

In app/design/frontend/mytheme/layout/googleanalytics.xml i had:

    <block type="googleanalytics/ga" name="google_analytics" as="google_analytics" />

And it should be:

    <block type="googleanalytics/ga" name="google_analytics" as="google_analytics" template="googleanalytics/ga.phtml" />
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gtsouk Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10


Have just checked and the google analytics code is normally placed in the after_body_start block.
If that block isn't used in your theme or if you just want to follow better practices change that to before_body_end. You can find the file "googleanalytics.xml" in your theme's layout directory or in app/design/frontend/base/default/layout.

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clockworkgeek Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10
