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Accessing Apple's root certificate on iOS

I've found the following code: https://github.com/roddi/ValidateStoreReceipt/blob/master/validatereceipt.m which loads the root certificate ('Apple Root CA') on MacOS

and I'm trying to make it work on iOS as well.

Our code is written in C++ and uses OpenSSL for validating a remote peer when using SSL sockets.

On other platforms, we load the root certificate and add them to the context using X509_STORE_add_cert.

We then use SSL_get_peer_certificate and verify the hostname. These are NOT self-signed certificates which is why we want to use the root certificate of the device.

My question is how to get the root certificate on iOS devices?


I've tried the following query, but I keep getting -25300 (errSecItemNotFound).

NSDictionary* query=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                     (__bridge id)kSecClassCertificate,kSecClass,
SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)query,&ref);
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Gilad Novik Avatar asked Oct 08 '22 06:10

Gilad Novik

2 Answers

You're going to want something along these lines:

  • Find the certificates using SecItemCopyMatching() with kSecMatchTrustedOnly set to kCFBooleanTrue. Remember, this will be a lot of certificates, not just one.
  • Then export them to DER format with SecCertificateCopyData().
  • Import them into OpenSSL
  • Profit

Alternately, you can go the other way:

  • Convert certificate to DER using OpenSSL
  • Create a SecCertificateRef with SecCertificateCreateWithData()
  • Create a SecPolicyRef with SecPolicyCreateSSL()
  • Create a SecTrustRef with SecTrustCreateWithCertificates()
  • Evaluate with SecTrustEvaluate()
  • Profit

Or of course you could also manage the SSL connection with NSURLConnection or with CFNetwork (available directly in C++) and the system would do everything for you automatically. Whenever possible, I recommend against using OpenSSL on iOS because it creates a lot of complexity. But the above should help you bridge if you need to.

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Rob Napier Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10

Rob Napier

There are several ways to distribute certificates. Using email - send certificate as an attachment, tapping on it will start the installation process. Or using browser - navigate Safari to the page that hosts your certificate, download it and install. You can also use configuration profiles to streamline deployment.

Read more about it in iPad in Business, scroll down to Distributing and Installing Certificates section.

EDIT: certificate lookup

To find a keychain item you can use SecItemCopyMatching providing kSecClassCertificate and kSecAttrLabel. Checkout Finding a Certificate In the Keychain in Certificate, Key, and Trust Services Tasks for iOS

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tenorsax Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 10:10
