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Accessing Android NotificationListenerService Settings

Android has a new notification listener service as of 4.3: http://developer.android.com/about/versions/jelly-bean.html http://developer.android.com/reference/android/service/notification/NotificationListenerService.html

From the docs:

Notification access is disabled by default — apps can use a new Intent to take the user directly to the Settings to enable the listener service after installation.

I don't see the intent to fire documented anywhere. Perusing the Settings doc doesn't seem helpful: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.html

Looking at the Settings class directly: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/master/core/java/android/provider/Settings.java

I see ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS defined, but when using Android Studio and pointing at 4.3 ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS can't be resolved:

Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS);

Trying it more manually doesn't seem to work:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setClassName("com.android.settings", "android.settings.NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS");

edit: doing it the correct way as CommonsWare pointed out below:

Intent intent=new Intent("android.settings.NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS");

leads to a crash:

(android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.settings.NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS })

Am I missing something? I'm not sure how to send the user to the proper settings screen to enable this service in my app.

like image 823
powerj1984 Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 15:07


1 Answers

Am I missing something?

Well, in your last one, you are conflating an action string with a class name. The "manual" approach would be:

Intent intent=new Intent("android.settings.NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS");

In terms of why Android Studio is not finding Settings.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS, that I can't say.


Based on the discussion in the comments, Settings.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS is not in the Android SDK at present (marked with @hide). Also, the manifest for the Settings app has a slightly different version of the action string:

Intent intent=new Intent("android.settings.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SETTINGS");
like image 84
CommonsWare Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
