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Accessing Android camera through Kivy




Please i am looking for a work around to get access Android camera through kivy, or a library that i can integrate with kivy in order to access the Camera.

I am developing an application for android but using python-kivy for the UI,

anything will be really appreciated,

thanks alot.

like image 740
Plaix Avatar asked Feb 16 '13 12:02


People also ask

How do I access my camera on my Kivy Android?

Just import that file https://github.com/kivy/plyer/blob/master/plyer/platforms/android/camera.py Also, don't forget to add CAMERA permissions to manifest.

Can Kivy be used for Android?

You can run Kivy applications on Android, on (more or less) any device with OpenGL ES 2.0 (Android 2.2 minimum). This is standard on modern devices; Google reports the requirement is met by 99.9% of devices.

2 Answers

Here's my sample code, that works on Android. Just import that file https://github.com/kivy/plyer/blob/master/plyer/platforms/android/camera.py Also, don't forget to add CAMERA permissions to manifest.


__version__ = '1.0'

import kivy

# importing file from https://github.com/kivy/plyer/blob/master/plyer/platforms/android/camera.py
# I downloaded it and saved it in the same directory:
from camera import AndroidCamera

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.button import Button
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty, StringProperty

import base64

class MyCamera(AndroidCamera):

class BoxLayoutW(BoxLayout):
    my_camera = ObjectProperty(None)
    # /sdcard means internal mobile storage for that case:
    image_path = StringProperty('/sdcard/my_test_photo.png')

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        super(BoxLayoutW, self).__init__()

        self.my_camera = MyCamera()

    def take_shot(self):
        self.my_camera._take_picture(self.on_success_shot, self.image_path)

    def on_success_shot(self, loaded_image_path):
        # converting saved image to a base64 string:
        image_str = self.image_convert_base64
        return True

    #converting image to a base64, if you want to send it, for example, via POST:
    def image_convert_base64(self):
        with open(self.image_path, "rb") as image_file:
            encoded_string = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())
        if not encoded_string:
            encoded_string = ''
        return encoded_string

if __name__ == '__main__':

    class CameraApp(App):
        def build(self):
            main_window = BoxLayoutW()
            return main_window




        text: 'shot'
        on_release: root.take_shot()
like image 124
megastruktur Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 19:09


Kivy has some native support for calling the camera. Check out this page from the new programming guide for a core provider or this page from the new programming guide for a uix widget. In theory, the core should be able to adapt between platforms and the widget should then be able to use the camera.

like image 22
Qanthelas Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
