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Ubuntu PPA for Android SDK/NDK?





Has anyone bothered to create a PPA for the Android SDK and/or NDK packages?

I saw a few things that hinted at this in my Googling, but nothing that jumped out as a preferred solution.

I'd guess that licensing issues might require it to operate like the flash-installer (or more comparably, the google-earth) package, but it would be very useful. The SDK install OOB lacks many of the features that proper package management could bring in (dependencies, multi-user permissions/capability, etc.)

like image 722
Jameson Avatar asked May 08 '12 06:05


People also ask

How install NDK build Ubuntu?

Install Android NDK¶Click on the SDK Tools tab. Select NDK from the list and click OK. Confirm the change by clicking OK in the popup window. Accept the NDK license agreement.

Where is Android NDK path in Ubuntu?

Open your Android Studio Preference (or "File->Settings") > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK. You can find the path to your SDK and NDK, which is in the same directory.

1 Answers

Have you tried Upubuntu's guide?

like image 92
anjosc Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
