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Access outer $index when ng-repeat are nested in AngularDart

Consider the following nested ng-repeat directives:

  <tr ng-repeat="r in SomeExpr1">
    <td ng-repeat="c in SomeExpr2">
      <p>c index is {{$index}}, r index is {{???}}</p>

How can I access the $index of the outer ng-repeat (i.e., the one in the parent scope that is hidden by the inner ng-repeat scope $index)?

like image 641
Patrice Chalin Avatar asked Feb 13 '14 19:02

Patrice Chalin

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What is $Index in Angular 2?

Technically $index is a “template variable” created by ng-repeat. It’s only accurate and has meaning inside the repeat block. When we pass the value out, it loses its context and it’s no longer valid.

1 Answers

As @Randal Schwartz pointed out in this post $parent does the trick.

<div ng-controller='demo-ctrl'>
  <div ng-repeat="row in ctrl.matrix">
    <div ng-repeat="column in row">
      <span>outer: {{$parent.$index}} inner: {{$index}}</span>

like image 137
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Günter Zöchbauer