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Access an object's property names in a Blaze template

Say I have a helper that looks like this:

  info: {
    Name: 'Bob Dinkleberg',
    Age: 45,
    Location: 'Earth, Milky Way'

I want to put this info in a <ul>. Here is some pseudo-code:

<template name="profile>
      <li> {{key}}: {{property}} </li>

Forgive me if this is trivial, I am new to Meteor and Blaze, and I haven't been able to find a solution online.

like image 758
Luke Avatar asked Jul 04 '15 12:07


2 Answers

If you want to loop through an objects properties and values as you requested, you can do it generic by:

Template.content.onCreated(function() {
  this.properties = new ReactiveVar({
    Name: 'Bob Dinkleberg',
    Age: 45,
    Location: 'Earth, Milky Way'

  keys: function () {
    return Object.keys(Template.instance().properties.get());
  key_value_pair: function() {
    return { key: this, value: Template.instance().properties.get()[this] };

and with this template

  <h1>Property Loop</h1>
  {{> content}}

<template name="content">
  {{#each keys}}
    {{> property key_value_pair }}

<template name="property">
  <li>{{key}}: {{value}}</li>

I prepared this MeteorPad for you which is a running example:


Cheers, Tom

P.S.: It is not necessary to create the object as a ReactiveVar if there a never changes to its values. But by doing it as a ReactiveVar the form is als reactivly updated, when object content will change.

like image 118
Tom Freudenberg Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Tom Freudenberg

This will be helpful:


You want to use {{#with}}.

<template name="profile">
    {{#with info}}

While your helper code is correct:

  info: {
    Name: 'Bob Dinkleberg',
    Age: 45,
    Location: 'Earth, Milky Way'

I personally like to make a habit of mapping the name of the helper to a function that returns something.


  info: function(){

    return {
      Name: 'Bob Dinkleberg',
      Age: 45,
      Location: 'Earth, Milky Way'





  info: function(){
    var obj = {
      Name: 'Bob Dinkleberg',
      Age: 45,
      Location: 'Earth, Milky Way'
    var arrayOfObjects = [];

    // creating an array of objects
    for (key in obj){
      arrayOfObjects.push({key: key, value: obj[key]});
    console.log("This is the array of objects: ", arrayOfObjects);
    return arrayOfObjects;



{{#each info}}
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fuzzybabybunny Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11
