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A way to read table data from Mysql to Pig

Everyone know that Pig have supported DBStorage, but they are only supported load results from Pig to mysql like that

STORE data INTO DBStorage('com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', 'dbc:mysql://host/db', 'INSERT ...');

But Please show me the way to read table from mysql like that

data = LOAD 'my_table' AS DBStorage('com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', 'dbc:mysql://host/db', 'SELECT * FROM my_table');

Here is my code

public class DBLoader extends LoadFunc {
    private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
    private ArrayList mProtoTuple = null;
    private Connection con;
    private String jdbcURL;
    private String user;
    private String pass;
    private int batchSize;
    private int count = 0;
    private String query;
    ResultSet result;
    protected TupleFactory mTupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();

    public DBLoader() {

    public DBLoader(String driver, String jdbcURL, String user, String pass,
            String query) {

        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            log.error("can't load DB driver:" + driver, e);
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't load DB Driver", e);
        this.jdbcURL = jdbcURL;
        this.user = user;
        this.pass = pass;
        this.query = query;


    public InputFormat getInputFormat() throws IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return new TextInputFormat();

    public Tuple getNext() throws IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        boolean next = false;

        try {
            next = result.next();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        if (!next)
            return null;
        int numColumns = 0;
        // Get result set meta data
        ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
        try {
            rsmd = result.getMetaData();
            numColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++) {

            try {
                Object field = result.getObject(i);

                switch (DataType.findType(field)) {
                case DataType.NULL:



                case DataType.BOOLEAN:
                    mProtoTuple.add((Boolean) field);


                case DataType.INTEGER:
                    mProtoTuple.add((Integer) field);


                case DataType.LONG:
                    mProtoTuple.add((Long) field);


                case DataType.FLOAT:
                    mProtoTuple.add((Float) field);


                case DataType.DOUBLE:
                    mProtoTuple.add((Double) field);


                case DataType.BYTEARRAY:
                    byte[] b = ((DataByteArray) field).get();

                case DataType.CHARARRAY:
                    mProtoTuple.add((String) field);

                case DataType.BYTE:
                    mProtoTuple.add((Byte) field);


                case DataType.MAP:
                case DataType.TUPLE:
                case DataType.BAG:
                    throw new RuntimeException("Cannot store a non-flat tuple "
                            + "using DbStorage");

                    throw new RuntimeException("Unknown datatype "
                            + DataType.findType(field));


            } catch (Exception ee) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ee);

        Tuple t = mTupleFactory.newTuple(mProtoTuple);
        return t;


    public void prepareToRead(RecordReader arg0, PigSplit arg1)
            throws IOException {

        con = null;
        if (query == null) {
            throw new IOException("SQL Insert command not specified");
        try {
            if (user == null || pass == null) {
                con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL);
            } else {
                con = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcURL, user, pass);
            result = con.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Unable to connect to JDBC @" + jdbcURL);
            throw new IOException("JDBC Error", e);
        count = 0;

    public void setLocation(String location, Job job) throws IOException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        //TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, location);


    class MyDBInputFormat extends InputFormat<NullWritable, NullWritable>{

        public RecordReader<NullWritable, NullWritable> createRecordReader(
                InputSplit arg0, TaskAttemptContext arg1) throws IOException,
                InterruptedException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;

        public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext arg0) throws IOException,
                InterruptedException {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;



I try many times to write UDF but not success.....

like image 908
phuongdo Avatar asked Jun 08 '12 03:06


People also ask

How can I get data from a table in MySQL?

The first command you will need to use is the SELECT FROM MySQL statement that has the following syntax: SELECT * FROM table_name; This is a basic MySQL query which will tell the script to select all the records from the table_name table.

How do you load data into a pig?

Now load the data from the file student_data. txt into Pig by executing the following Pig Latin statement in the Grunt shell. grunt> student = LOAD 'hdfs://localhost:9000/pig_data/student_data.txt' USING PigStorage(',') as ( id:int, firstname:chararray, lastname:chararray, phone:chararray, city:chararray );

What is pig ETL?

Pig Latin is one of the best scripting language to support the ETL process. It shows how to extract huge amount of data from a data source, transform the data so as to perform querying and also do the analysis jobs, and store back the end resultant data set onto a target destination database.

1 Answers

Like you say, DBStorage only supports saving results to a database.

To load data from MySQL you could look into a project called sqoop (that copies data from a database to HDFS), or you could perform a mysql dump and then copy the file into HDFS. Both ways required some interaction and cannot be directly used from inside Pig.

A third option would be to look into writing a Pig LoadFunc (you say your tried to write a UDF). It shouldn't be too difficult, you'll need to pass much the same options as DBStorage (driver, connection credentials and a SQL query to execute), and you can probably use some result set metadata inspection to auto generate a schema too.

like image 142
Chris White Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 10:09

Chris White