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A way to do multiple statements per bash test && statement


Does anyone know of a way to execute multiple statements within a bash test? So if I use:

[[ $Var = 1 ]] && echo "yes-1" || echo "no-1" 

And set Var=1 then output is: yes-1
If i set Var=2 then output is: no-1

And this work as I expected. But If i try to add another statement to execute in the mix and it doesn't work:

[[ $Var = 1 ]] && echo "yes-1";echo "yes-2" || echo "no-1";echo "no-2" 

Which makes sense as bash sees the command ending at; but... this is not what I want.

I've tried grouping and evals and functions and have had failures and successes but I'd really just like to do is have this work on one line. Anyone have any ideas?

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pn1 dude Avatar asked Jun 14 '12 17:06

pn1 dude

People also ask

How do you run multiple commands in one line?

Running Multiple Commands as a Single Job We can start multiple commands as a single job through three steps: Combining the commands – We can use “;“, “&&“, or “||“ to concatenate our commands, depending on the requirement of conditional logic, for example: cmd1; cmd2 && cmd3 || cmd4.

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Group Commands. In Bash, we can use both “{ }” and “( )” operators to group commands.

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bash [filename] runs the commands saved in a file. $@ refers to all of a shell script's command-line arguments. $1 , $2 , etc., refer to the first command-line argument, the second command-line argument, etc. Place variables in quotes if the values might have spaces in them.

2 Answers

Simple command grouping should work; the syntax can be a little tricky though.

[[ $Var = 1 ]] && { echo "yes-1"; echo "yes-2"; } || { echo "no-1"; echo "no-2"; } 

A few things to note:

  1. Heed @tvm's advice about using an if-then-else statement if you do anything more complicated.

  2. Every command inside the braces needs to be terminated with a semi-colon, even the last one.

  3. Each brace must be separated from the surrounding text by spaces on both sides. Braces don't cause word breaks in bash, so "{echo" is a single word, "{ echo" is a brace followed by the word "echo".

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chepner Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10


Consider using regular IF THEN ELSE statement. Use of && and || is justified in simple test such as this:

[[ -z "$PATH" ]] && echo 'Disaster, PATH is empty!' || echo 'Everything ok!' 

But, consider following command:

true && true && true && false && true || echo 'False!' False! 


true && { echo true; false ; } || { echo false; true ; } true false 

Anytime a non-zero exit status is returned, command after || is executed. As you can see, even command grouping doesn't help.

Execution in subshell behaves in similar manner:

true && ( true; echo true; true; false ) || ( true; echo true; false ) true true 

Just use regular IF, if you need proper IF behavior.

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tvm Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10
