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null keyevent and actionid = 0 in onEditorAction() (Jelly Bean / Nexus 7)


I have an edit text which functions as a search box in my application. In Jelly Bean on my Nexus 7 when I type something into the text box which I am listening on and hit enter the KeyEvent = null and ActionId = 0 passed into the onEditorAction() method. Has anyone else encountered this? I'm thinking it might be a bug.

In the second if statement below I get a null pointer because the actionId = 0 and KeyEvent = null;

// Search field logic. @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {     Log.d(TAG, "onEditorAction");     if (event != null && event.getAction() != KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)         return false;     if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH             || event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) {               .....Do some stuff();      } } 
like image 545
LowDev1 Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 20:07


2 Answers

Ended up adding in a null check for KeyEvent. Thanks to commonsware for pointing out this happens on 3.0+. Seems more like a workaround then a solution, but it works.

// Search field logic. @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) {     Log.d(TAG, "onEditorAction");     if (event != null && event.getAction() != KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {         return false;     } else if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_SEARCH         || event == null         || event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER) {               .....Do some stuff();     } } 
like image 132
LowDev1 Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09


I found that my "bug-like behavior" was due to imeActionLabel complicating things. I only used it because it was mentioned in the Text Fields Guide as a way to have a custom return key label. Here are the results of my tests in Lollipop,

Case 1: default, return key symbol = closing angle bracket

<EditText     android:singleLine="true"     android:inputType="textUri"/> 

onEditorAction is called once.

  • KeyEvent = null, actionId = 5 = EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NEXT
    • if return true, cursor remains in EditText, keyboard open
    • if return false, cursor moves to next focusable, keyboard open if necessary

Case 2: imeOptions, return key symbol = checkmark

<EditText     android:singleLine="true"     android:inputType="textUri"     android:imeOptions="actionDone"/> 

onEditorAction is called once.

  • KeyEvent = null, actionId = 6 = EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE
    • if return true, cursor remains in EditText, keyboard open
    • if return false, cursor remains in EditText, keyboard closes

Case 3: imeActionLabel, return key symbol = "URdone"

<EditText     android:singleLine="true"     android:inputType="textUri"     android:imeOptions="actionDone"     android:imeActionLabel="URdone"/> 

onEditorAction can be called more than once.

  • KeyEvent = null, actionId = 0

    • if return true, cursor remains in EditText, keyboard open, onEditorAction is NOT called a second time
    • if return false, onEditorAction is called a SECOND time:
  • KeyEvent = KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, actionId = 0

    • if return false, cursor moves to next focusable, keyboard open if necessary, onEditorAction is NOT called a third time
    • if return true, onEditorAction is called a THIRD time:
  • KeyEvent = KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, actionId = 0

    • if return true, cursor remains in EditText, keyboard open
    • if return false, cursor moves to next focusable, keyboard open if necessary


I'm not sure if actionId = 0 is from EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED or EditorInfo.IME_NULL.

If the next focusable is non-editable, the return key symbol becomes a left pointing arrow.

You can also use setOnFocusChangeListener to override onFocusChange, which will be called according to the above cursor behavior.

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BeatriceThalo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09
