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A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found for debug mode

People also ask

How do I add a device to my provisioning profile?

Add your devices to the application's provisioning profileSelect the profile to which you want to add the device and click Edit. In the Devices list, select all the devices where you want to test the application. Click the image to enlarge it. Click Generate to save the changes.

How do I add a provisioning profile to my Iphone?

New provisioning profileGo to the Profiles section in the developer portal and click the + button. Under Development, select iOS App Development and click Continue. Select the App ID to use from the dropdown menu then click Continue. Select the Certificate(s) to include in the provisioning profile then click Continue.

What is an Apple provisioning profile?

A provisioning profile links your signing certificate and App ID so that you can sign apps to install and launch on iOS devices. You must have a development provisioning profile to sign apps for use with iOS Gateway version 3.4 and later.

It could be because your iphone is not recognized by the provisioning portal.


1) In Xcode, Goto --> Build --> clean all targets.

2) In "Groups & Files" -->Target --> expand it --> right click your app and select Clean "your app"

3) Goto->Window-->Organizer

4) In the Devices tab on the left, select your iphone

5) In the Provisioning section of the selected iphone delete all the current profiles (if any)

6) Unplug your iPhone and replug it in.

7) Goto->Window-->Organizer-->right click your iPhone -->Add device to provisioning portal

8) Now make sure you have selected the appropriate code signing identity in edit project settings -> build --> code signing

Build and run. Good luck!

In Xcode 10, I solved this by switching the project's build system from "new build system" to "legacy build system" (File -> project Settings).

I had the same problem. Everything was ok: the device was registered in IOS Provisioning Portal; the certificate was downloaded and the Development Provisioning Profiles for my app was downloaded.

So the solution!!!

Target> Get Info

Select Configuration to Release (here's the devil) In code signing, Code Signing Identity check iPhone Developer. Close.

On Target chose Clean Target and then Run the app.

Good Luck.

In my case this was because there where a couple of versions of the developer certificate in the keychain.

Deleting the iPhone Developer cert from both My Certificates and Certificates and then downloading the latest one from the dev centre and installing that (double click on the .cer file)

sorted my problem

Finally i could solve the problem. One of my colleagues has revoked the developer certificate at iOS Provisioning Portal for his test apps. for fixing; i removed the existing developer certificate at my keychain, requested a new certificate with the existing private key, revoked the certificate from provisioning portal and submitted the newly requested certificate.then i downloaded and installed it.

now i can debug my app on my device :)

This caught me out because someone had changed the "Run" configuration's "Build Configuration" setting to "Release" (under "Product" > "Edit Scheme.." > "Run *.app").

This is normally set to "Debug" and hence it was NOT using the developer certificate and provisioning profile that I was expecting, it was using the distribution certificates instead.

In addition to this I found that if you look in the Console Log for the device (via Organiser), there may be an error code that better indicates your problem. For example I had...

Mon Sep  5 09:39:56 unknown installd[304] <Error>: profile not valid: 0xe8008012

I then googled "0xe8008012" and got the following page which indicates a "0xE8008012 - The UUID of the device does not match any in the Provisioning Profile being loaded" error.


  • Xcode->Click your app -> TARGETS -> click the app-> Build Setting-> Code Signing : Make sure that both Debug and Any iOS SDK are set to iPhone Development

  • Xcode -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme: Make sure Build Configuration is set to Debug.