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Xcode 'Build and Archive' menu item disabled




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Why is archive greyed out Xcode?

You can not archive, because from target you have not selected device or Generic iOS device or Any iOS Device , still there is a simulator.

Where is archive in Build in Xcode?

Navigate to your project's settings. Under iOS (or the target you want to build your app for) > Identity, you'll want to increment the Build number. For example, if the Build number was 1, you'll want to set it to 2. Then, in the top menu, under Product, click on Archive.

How do I Build and archive in Xcode?

Archive your App In Xcode with your project open, select the simulator (button near the top of the window next to your project name, typically named as a specific type of iPhone) – change it to Generic iOS Device. Open the Product menu and choose Archive. You will see the archive information. Click Validate App.

Do I need to Build before archive Xcode?

Yes you are right, you dont required 'Build' before archiving. So, you can directly archive it(it automatically going to build it). This error comes when compiler unable to find required library. So, check your Runpath search paths ( Library search paths in xcode version older than iOS 12) in build settings.

iOS Device is selected and Archive is enabled

Build configiuration setting needs to be an "iOS Device" (or any specific device if connected) to activate "Product → Archive" menu item. For some strange reason when any kind of iOS Simulator is selected, Archive is greyed out.

in my case, the archive checkbox was unchecked. =/ strange

under edit scheme

in xcode 10.2: make your project on Generic ios devices tab and go to product>archiveto archive your project after if you want to see all your archived history go to windows>organizertap .

All you need to do is create an Executable File in your project folder... If you start with a fresh project there are NO executable projects, only what you create, be it a .cpp or a .m you need an executable in the folder.

In addition to what @Alexander Babaev said , when I had this problem it was because for some reason the build configuration was set to MAC 64 bit (dont know how it got there...) , returned it to IOS and it got enabled again.

I Faced the same issue.

This is how I solved it.

Go to device list, and select any ios device

then go to the product menu, archive option should be active/enabled now.