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A set of weak_ptr

Here is the code:

struct lex_compare {
    bool operator() (const weak_ptr<int> &lhs, const weak_ptr<int> &rhs)const {
        return *lhs.lock() < *rhs.lock();

int main(){
    set<weak_ptr<int>,lex_compare> intset;

    cout << "intset size:" << intset.size() << endl; //1
    cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(make_shared<int>(1))<<endl; // failed


I want to know how to count/find the weak_ptr<int> stored in intset and if a better method is available to do the same work?

like image 552
Kay Avatar asked Sep 19 '15 13:09


People also ask

What is a weak_ptr?

std::weak_ptr is a smart pointer that holds a non-owning ("weak") reference to an object that is managed by std::shared_ptr. It must be converted to std::shared_ptr in order to access the referenced object.

When should I use weak_ptr?

By using a weak_ptr , you can create a shared_ptr that joins to an existing set of related instances, but only if the underlying memory resource is still valid. A weak_ptr itself does not participate in the reference counting, and therefore, it cannot prevent the reference count from going to zero.

What is the difference between shared_ptr and weak_ptr?

The only difference between weak_ptr and shared_ptr is that the weak_ptr allows the reference counter object to be kept after the actual object was freed. As a result, if you keep a lot of shared_ptr in a std::set the actual objects will occupy a lot of memory if they are big enough.

What is weak_ptr lock?

weak_ptr::lockCreates a new std::shared_ptr that shares ownership of the managed object. If there is no managed object, i.e. *this is empty, then the returned shared_ptr also is empty.

2 Answers

You cannot insert temporary shared_ptr to set of weak pointers because it is memory leak in the sense that this stored weak pointer points to already deleted memory.

// after this instruction shared_ptr destructor frees the memory

That is why you cannot find it in set - because *lhs.lock() is UB here.

See weak_ptr::lock doc.

You need to make your òrder operator in this way:

struct lex_compare {
    bool operator() (const weak_ptr<int> &lhs, const weak_ptr<int> &rhs)const {
        auto lptr = lhs.lock(), rptr = rhs.lock();
        if (!rptr) return false; // nothing after expired pointer 
        if (!lptr) return true;  // every not expired after expired pointer
        return *lptr < *rptr;

All that means - you need to have this shared_ptr sowmewhere to count it:

int main(){
    set<weak_ptr<int>,lex_compare> intset;
    auto shared1 = make_shared<int>(1); 

    cout << "intset size:" << intset.size() << endl; //1
    cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(make_shared<int>(1))<<endl; // failed

With the above - your count will work.

Consider also to keep shared_ptr in set...


marko in comments pointed the valid issue. std::weak_ptr cannot be used as a key in a way you are using it at all. Only if you can ensure that pointed value will never change nor pointer itself will never expire. See this example:

    set<weak_ptr<int>,lex_compare> intset;
    auto shared1 = make_shared<int>(1); 
    cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(make_shared<int>(1))<<endl; // works
    cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(make_shared<int>(1))<<endl; // failed

And the other example:

    set<weak_ptr<int>,lex_compare> intset;
    auto shared1 = make_shared<int>(1); 
    cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(make_shared<int>(1))<<endl; // works
    *shared1 = 2;
    cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(make_shared<int>(1))<<endl; // failed

You can keep std::shared_ptr which prevents from out-of-set expiration of pointer - and std::shared_ptr has operator < - but this operator compares pointers themselves - not the pointed values - so better is std::set<std::shared_ptr<int>> - but the best would be std::set<int>

Or change std::set<...> --> std::vector<std::weak_ptr<int>> - and use count_if-- see:

vector<weak_ptr<int>> intset;
auto shared1 = make_shared<int>(1);
cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< count_if(begin(intset), end(intset), 
                                  [](auto&& elem) 
                                     auto ptr = elem.lock();
                                     return ptr && *ptr == 1; 

Or with std::set<std::shared_ptr<int>>:

set<shared_ptr<int>> intset;
auto shared1 = make_shared<int>(1);
// if you can ensure shared1 value will not change:
cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< intset.count(shared1);
// if not  - use count_if - the slower than std::count
cout << "Does 1 exist?"<< count_if(begin(intset), end(intset), 
                                  [](auto&& ptr) 
                                     return ptr && *ptr == 1; 
like image 133
PiotrNycz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09


Instead of trying to write one's own comparison function for weak pointers and coming up with misbehaving solutions, we can use the standard std::owner_less<> instead.

like image 34
Alexander Nickolov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Alexander Nickolov