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a more readable way to do this?



I know there is a more readable way of writing this:

var string = ( 
  (r.d != 0 ? r.d + (r.d == 1 ? ' day' : ' days') : '' ) +
  (r.h != 0 ? r.h + (r.h == 1 ? ' hour' : ' hours') : '' ) +
  (r.m != 0 ? r.m + (r.m == 1 ? ' minute' : ' minutes') : '' ) +
  (r.s != 0 ? r.s + (r.s == 1 ? ' second' : ' seconds') : '' ));
like image 807
Hailwood Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 05:08


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1 Answers

Try something a bit more readable:

function singleOrPlural(val, single, plural){
  if(val == 1)
    return val + ' ' + single;
  if(val > 1)
    return val + ' ' + plural;
  return '';

Use as:

singleOrPlural(r.day, 'day', 'days')

You can even go nuts and add this to the prototype, and end up with r.days.singleOrPlural('day', 'days'), but I don't think it's needed here.

like image 70
Kobi Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
