I'm looking to build an HL7 listener in C#. We are already parsing messages that are sent to us as text files and importing them into the database, so I have an understanding of what HL7 messages are and how to parse them.
My main question regarding the listener. Is the listener simply a TCP listener? If so, could I put together a basic TCP listener that gets the message and parses the results, importing them into our database?
My second questions is regarding the ACK. My understanding of this is it's simply a message sent back to the sender after receiving a message. It's simply another HL7 message designated as a response message.
Am I correct in my understanding? Also if anyone has any additional info or pointers I would appreciate any help.
Message player is a free tool provided by Caristix to send and receive HL7 messages. With this tool, it's possible to validate connectivity between HL7 systems, simulate a HL7 system receiving messages from a sending system or simulate a HL7 system sending messages.
HL7 messages are sent via a variety of TCP/IP transports, some of which include: Lower Layer Protocol (LLP) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Yes it's just a simple TCP listener.
To acknowledge a message you have to return an MSH message which should look somehting like this:
<11> this means a byte represented in a decimal value. this is VT from the ascii table.
You should probably look at: http://nhapi.sourceforge.net/home.php
Several items:
Disclosure: I'm co-chair of the HL7 Infrastructure and Message (InM) committee, CTO at Corepoint, and Chief Architect of the Cloverleaf integration engine.
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