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A dynamic buffer type in C++?

I'm not exactly a C++ newbie, but I have had little serious dealings with it in the past, so my knowledge of its facilities is rather sketchy.

I'm writing a quick proof-of-concept program in C++ and I need a dynamically sizeable buffer of binary data. That is, I'm going to receive data from a network socket and I don't know how much there will be (although not more than a few MB). I could write such a buffer myself, but why bother if the standard library probably has something already? I'm using VS2008, so some Microsoft-specific extension is just fine by me. I only need four operations:

  • Create the buffer
  • Write data to the buffer (binary junk, not zero-terminated)
  • Get the written data as a char array (together with its length)
  • Free the buffer

What is the name of the class/function set/whatever that I need?

Added: Several votes go to std::vector. All nice and fine, but I don't want to push several MB of data byte-by-byte. The socket will give data to me in few-KB large chunks, so I'd like to write them all at once. Also, at the end I will need to get the data as a simple char*, because I will need to pass the whole blob along to some Win32 API functions unmodified.

like image 685
Vilx- Avatar asked Dec 09 '09 14:12


People also ask

What is dynamic buffer?

A DynamicBuffer is a type of component data that allows a variable-sized, "stretchy" buffer to be associated with an entity. It behaves as a component type that carries an internal capacity of a certain number of elements, but can allocate a heap memory block if the internal capacity is exhausted.

What is a buffer C++?

Definition of C++ buffer. Buffer is a basic term that denotes a computer memory block that acts as a temporary placeholder. Buffer term is used in almost all fields like video streaming, RAM, etc. In the programming part, a software buffer is a place where data can be kept before it starts processing.

1 Answers

You want a std::vector:

std::vector<char> myData; 

vector will automatically allocate and deallocate its memory for you. Use push_back to add new data (vector will resize for you if required), and the indexing operator [] to retrieve data.

If at any point you can guess how much memory you'll need, I suggest calling reserve so that subsequent push_back's won't have to reallocate as much.

If you want to read in a chunk of memory and append it to your buffer, easiest would probably be something like:

std::vector<char> myData; for (;;) {     const int BufferSize = 1024;     char rawBuffer[BufferSize];      const unsigned bytesRead = get_network_data(rawBuffer, sizeof(rawBuffer));     if (bytesRead <= 0) {         break;     }      myData.insert(myData.end(), rawBuffer, rawBuffer + bytesRead); } 

myData now has all the read data, reading chunk by chunk. However, we're copying twice.

We instead try something like this:

std::vector<char> myData; for (;;) {     const int BufferSize = 1024;      const size_t oldSize = myData.size();     myData.resize(myData.size() + BufferSize);              const unsigned bytesRead = get_network_data(&myData[oldSize], BufferSize);     myData.resize(oldSize + bytesRead);      if (bytesRead == 0) {         break;     } } 

Which reads directly into the buffer, at the cost of occasionally over-allocating.

This can be made smarter by e.g. doubling the vector size for each resize to amortize resizes, as the first solution does implicitly. And of course, you can reserve() a much larger buffer up front if you have a priori knowledge of the probable size of the final buffer, to minimize resizes.

Both are left as an exercise for the reader. :)

Finally, if you need to treat your data as a raw-array:

some_c_function(myData.data(), myData.size()); 

std::vector is guaranteed to be contiguous.

like image 108
GManNickG Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 03:09
