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A datetime equivalent in java.sql ? (is there a java.sql.datetime ?)

So far, I have not found a clear answer to this.

I'd like to know what the equivalent is for a SQL type DATETIME and the java type, using a PreparedStatement.

I have found: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Database-SQL-JDBC/StandardSQLDataTypeswithTheirJavaEquivalents.htm

But it states that SQL type "DATETIME" is the same as sql.date, but when looking at the SQL date docs (http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/Date.html), it says the time is truncated (all zeros).

What I want is to be able to specify a preparedStatement.setDateTime() or some sort.

The only other way I see is using a timestamp, but that would require me to change the column type, while I cannot imagine someone else never had this problem before?

Any hints?

Edit: I am using MYSQL.

like image 842
Stefan Hendriks Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 14:07

Stefan Hendriks

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TIME Type. The time data type. The format is yyyy- MM -dd hh:mm:ss, with both the date and time parts maintained. Mapped to java.

1 Answers

The java.sql package has three date/time types:

  • java.sql.Date - A date only (no time part)
  • java.sql.Time - A time only (no date part)
  • java.sql.Timestamp - Both date and time

You want the last one: java.sql.Timestamp.

If you are using these types, you don't need to call a specific setter; just use:

java.util.Date date = new Date(); Object param = new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime()); // The JDBC driver knows what to do with a java.sql type: preparedStatement.setObject(param);  
like image 149
Bohemian Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 14:09
