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A bi-directional map in clojure?

What would be the best way to implement a bi-directional map in clojure? (By bi-directional map, I mean an associative map which can provide both A->B and B->A access. So in effect, the values themselves would be keys for going in the opposite direction.)

I suppose I could set up two maps, one in each direction, but is there a more idiomatic way of doing this?

I'm interested both in cases where we want a bijection, implying that no two keys could map to the same value, and cases where that condition isn't imposed.

like image 718
Rob Lachlan Avatar asked Jul 25 '09 22:07

Rob Lachlan

People also ask

What is map in Clojure?

A map is a collection that holds key-value pairs. The values stored in the map can be accessed using the corresponding key. In Clojure there are two types of maps: Hash maps. Sorted maps.

What is a BiMap?

A BiMap (or “bidirectional map”) is a special kind of a map that maintains an inverse view of the map while ensuring that no duplicate values are present and a value can always be used safely to get the key back.

How does map work Clojure?

Maps are represented as alternating keys and values surrounded by { and } . When Clojure prints a map at the REPL, it will put `,'s between each key/value pair. These are purely used for readability - commas are treated as whitespace in Clojure. Feel free to use them in cases where they help you!

1 Answers

You could always use a Java library for this, like one of the collections in Apache commons. TreeBidiMap implements java.util.Map so it's even seq-able without any effort.

user> (def x (org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap.TreeBidiMap.))
user> (.put x :foo :bar)
user> (keys x)
user> (.getKey x :bar)
user> (:foo x)
user> (map (fn [[k v]] (str k ", " v)) x)
(":foo, :bar")

Some things won't work though, like assoc and dissoc, since they expect persistent collections and TreeBidiMap is mutable.

If you really want to do this in native Clojure, you could use metadata to hold the reverse-direction hash. This is still going to double your memory requirements and double the time for every add and delete, but lookups will be fast enough and at least everything is bundled.

(defn make-bidi []
  (with-meta {} {}))

(defn assoc-bidi [h k v]
  (vary-meta (assoc h k v)
             assoc v k))

(defn dissoc-bidi [h k]
  (let [v (h k)]
   (vary-meta (dissoc h k)
              dissoc v)))

(defn getkey [h v]
  ((meta h) v))

You'd probably have to implement a bunch of other functions to get full functionality of course. Not sure how feasible this approach is.

user> (def x (assoc-bidi (make-bidi) :foo :bar))
user> (:foo x)
user> (getkey x :bar)
like image 142
Brian Carper Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Brian Carper