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A* Algorithm: closed list contains too many elements / too large

I'm currently implementing the A* algorithm in JavaScript. However, I've ran into a problem: My closedList seems way too large. Here is a screenshot of the output:

A* Implementation in JS

What could cause this problem? Is my heuristic calculation wrong?

Node.prototype.getHeuristic = function(pos0, pos1)
    // Manhatten Distance
    var horizontalDistance = Math.abs(pos1.x - pos0.x);
    var verticalDistance = Math.abs(pos1.y - pos0.y);
    return horizontalDistance + verticalDistance;

Or did I understand/implement something wrong in this method?:

PathFinder.prototype.findPath = function() 
var start = new Date().getTime();
var openList = [];
var closedList = [];

var startNode = this.startNode;
var grid = this.grid;
var endNode = this.finishNode;


while (openList.length > 0)
    var lowInd = 0;
    for(var i = 0; i < openList.length; i++) {
        if (openList[i].f < openList[lowInd].f) 
            lowInd = i; 
    var currentNode = openList[lowInd];

    if (currentNode.x == endNode.x && currentNode.y == endNode.y)
        var curr = currentNode;
        var ret = [];
        while (curr.parent)
            curr.type = NODES.PATH;
            curr = curr.parent;

        this.finishNode.type = NODES.FINISH;
        console.log("Total Operations: " + this.operations);

        var end = new Date().getTime();
        var time = end - start;
        console.log('Execution time: ' + time + "ms");

        return true;

    openList.splice(lowInd, 1);
    if (currentNode.type != NODES.START) 
        currentNode.type = NODES.CLOSED;

    var neighbors = currentNode.getNeighbors(this.grid);

 for (var indexNeighbors = 0; indexNeighbors < neighbors.length; indexNeighbors++)
        var neighbor = neighbors[indexNeighbors];

        if (this.findNodeInArray(closedList, neighbor) || neighbor.isWall())

        var gValue = currentNode.g + 1;
        var isGvalueLowest = false;

        if (!this.findNodeInArray(openList, neighbor))
            isGvalueLowest = true;
            neighbor.h = neighbor.getHeuristic(neighbor, endNode);
        else if (gValue < neighbor.g) 
            isGvalueLowest = true;

        if (isGvalueLowest) 
            neighbor.parent = currentNode;
            neighbor.g = gValue;
            neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h;   
            neighbor.type = NODES.MARKED;



If you want to see more parts of the code, just tell me. I appreciate any help, thank you.

like image 442
dislick Avatar asked Mar 25 '13 19:03


People also ask

What is the A * algorithm?

What is an A* Algorithm? It is a searching algorithm that is used to find the shortest path between an initial and a final point. It is a handy algorithm that is often used for map traversal to find the shortest path to be taken.

What is open list and closed list in A * algorithm?

Algorithm A* is a best-first search algorithm that relies on an open list and a closed list to find a path that is both optimal and complete towards the goal. It works by combining the benefits of the uniform-cost search and greedy search algorithms.

What is open list in A * algorithm?

The open list is a collection of all generated nodes. This means that those are nodes that were neighbors of expanded nodes. As mentioned above, the open list is often implemented as a priority queue so the search can simply dequeue the next best (i.e., highest priority) node.

What is the heuristic function of A * search algorithm?

The A* algorithm uses a heuristic function to help decide which path to follow next. The heuristic function provides an estimate of the minimum cost between a given node and the target node.

1 Answers

You need to break ties towards the endpoint.

Without breaking ties towards endpoint
(Without breaking ties towards endpoint)

With breaking ties towards endpoint
(With breaking ties towards endpoint)

Example with an obstacle
(Example with an obstacle)

like image 76
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 00:09

BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft