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500 internal server error at back end - Joomla

I have installed new site in Joomla 1.7 and its working fine, but when i checked its back-end (administrator) got 500 Internal Server Error.

Note: Site is working fine in Local server.

Please suggestion me any solution.

Thanks in advance.

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Dheeraj Agrawal Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 10:11

Dheeraj Agrawal

People also ask

Is 500 a backend error?

The HTTP status code 500 is a generic error response. It means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. This error is usually returned by the server when no other error code is suitable.

What causes a 500 internal error?

500 internal server error causes In general, you can classify this as a problem with the website server's software or configuration, such as one of these issues: Permissions issues. Software might be blocked from doing its job because permissions are misconfigured.

What is the backend of Joomla?

The Back-end of a Joomla! site is used to manage the content, appearance and functionality of the site. It is not seen by visitors to the 'Front-end' and you can only login to it if you have appropriate permissions. It is here too that the basis of a new site is created.

How to find HTTP error 500 in Joomla?

How to find HTTP Error 500 in joomla! Joomla! Sometimes after installing the extension for joomla, you receive a HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error) on your site. The best way to find the reason for it is to check the error reporting, you will see a list of the error messages generated by your website.

Why do I receive an HTTP error 500 (Internal Server Error)?

Sometimes after installing the extension for joomla, you receive a HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error) on your site. The best way to find the reason for it is to check the error reporting, you will see a list of the error messages generated by your website.

Why is my Joomla site not working?

This type of error is usually due to a permissions issue in Joomla. Please change the file permission as follows. This error is caused by the permissions of files and folders. The files should be chmod 644 and folders 755

How do I log on to Joomla Administrator back-end?

after pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard, you’re automatically logged on to your Joomla Administrator back-end. You’ll probably notice database errors. These database errors can be repaired easily using the Fix -button. This resolves the log on issue permanently. Curious to learn how to improve Joomla performance with just 8 simple tips?

2 Answers

First you have change folder permission to 775 for the following folders:

cache, logs, tmp & administrator/cache

then go to: configuration.php

find code:

$log_path = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';
$tmp_path = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX';

and change code into:

$log_path = './logs';
$tmp_path = './tmp';

problem solved :)

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Okiemute Omuta Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 07:10

Okiemute Omuta

I had this problem, but none of your advices didn't help.
I fixed a problem only after I switched off all modules via PhpMyAdmin (PMA).

Table modules, changed parameter "published" to 0 for all and then enabled only few modules with these types:

  • mod_login
  • mod_menu
  • mod_sumbenu
  • mod_toolbar
  • mod_title

After this I entered admin page and used top menu to enable all needed modules one by one. After admin page started to give me 500 error again I knew what module is faulty and I disabled it again via PMA.

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Drey Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 06:10
