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405 vs 403 returned from Spring Controllers when using @PreAuthorize

We recently started using the @PreAuthorize annotation with our REST endpoints. It works great, however, I did have a question regarding the HTTP code returned when issuing a GET vs. a POST or PUT. It appears that when a user is not authorized to access the controller's REST endpoint that the HTTP status returned is different for GET and PUT/POST.

So for example, if I have an endpoint that is a GET and has a @PreAuthorize annotation and the user doesn't have access, a 403 Forbidden is returned. This is what I expect.

If the same annotation is then placed on a controller method that is a POST or a PUT, the HTTP response is 405 Method Not Allowed (note that when properly authorized the POST/PUT method returns 200 as expected).

When stepping through the code you can see that the underlying security filter returns a 403, but in the POST/PUT scenario the status code is dropped/ignored and replaced with a 405, much like it does when a NullPointerExcpetion occurs in your controller code.

Is this the expected behavior or should a 403 Forbidden always be returned for users who do not have access to an end point?

like image 848
borq Avatar asked Jun 09 '14 13:06


1 Answers

For me the problem was inside the SecurityConfiguration.

By removing the line .and().exceptionHandling().accessDeniedPage("/access-denied") i got 403 Forbidden instead of 405 Method not allowed which is most probably what you would expect.

like image 157
mleister Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
