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404 Error on refresh for angular(v4+) deployed on tomcat server

I have deployed an angular application with lazy loading. The application works perfectly when hosted on Github.io domain but I am getting an error when I deployed the app on tomcat server using mobaxterm. When the page reloads or refreshes the app loses the routing state and throws a 404 error.

HTTP Status 404 - /enquiry

type Status report

message /enquiry

description The requested resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/7.0.72

Console-Log:: GET http://appv2.proctur.com/enquiry/addEnquiry 404 (Not Found) Navigated to http://appv2.proctur.com/enquiry/addEnquiry

If I do not refresh the page and use the app in one go then its OK, just fail to understand what the issue is on refresh.

PS:: this is my first time hosting an angular application on tomcat server if I made any silly mistake please let me know.

For better clarification, I am adding the routing.module.ts where I lazy load the modules. This is imported into app.module.ts::

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

imports: [
        { path: '', redirectTo: '/authPage', pathMatch: 'full' },
        { path: 'authPage', loadChildren: 'app/components/auth-page/auth-page.module#AuthPageModule' },
        { path: 'course', loadChildren: 'app/components/course/course.module#CourseModule' },
        { path: 'enquiry', loadChildren: 'app/components/enquiry/enquiry.module#EnquiryModule' },
        { path: 'student', loadChildren: 'app/components/students/student.module#StudentModule' },
exports: [
export class AppRoutingModule {
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Ronit Oommen Avatar asked Nov 18 '17 13:11

Ronit Oommen

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How is it resolved Apache Tomcat HTTP Status 404 error?

This error indicates that the server could not find the desired resource. This resource can be any file such as JSP, HTML, or image resource. Usually, the resource is present, but it is referenced incorrectly. In most cases, you can fix this by correcting the URL.

How does angular handle 404?

To set up a 404 page in the angular routing, we have to first create a component to display whenever a 404 error occurred. In the following approach, we will create a simple angular component called PagenotfoundComponent. Creating Component: Run the below command to create pagenotfound component.

Can we deploy angular app in Tomcat?

To deploy an angular application in tomcat we need to build the application using the ng tool. For this demo, I am going to build a simple default angular application using below command. To create an angular application run the following command in command prompt as shown below.

2 Answers

When angular app load first-time url will serve from a server. when you navigate pages then it handled at client side. when you refresh the page then request will go to server(tomcat or node). but that routed url doesn't exist on server. then comes 404 error. you can resolve by HashLocationStrategy, added {useHash: true} object in routing configuration ie.

RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {useHash: true})

More details:- https://codecraft.tv/courses/angular/routing/routing-strategies/#_hashlocationstrategy

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Akshay Garg Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10

Akshay Garg

The previous answer is correct, but we don't really need hashes in our url-s. The problem is as follows: For example, if we have a route named '/users/all', and navigate there from '/' inside our app, then it is perfectly okay, as Angular's own router will resolve the route and display the page, but if we go directly to that route, e.g. by typing in the url in the browser's address bar, we'll get 404, Why? Because your server (tomcat in your case) will try to find a folder named 'users' and an 'all' file inside it, which, obviously, is non-existent, as it is merely an Angular route, not an actual file inside your server's system. But you can configure your server in a way, the it will fallback to your index.html file, which contains the app, so the pages will be displayed correctly (in the case of our example, the server will return index.html, then the Angular app will run and resolve the route). Read more about this here.

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Armen Vardanyan Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 20:10

Armen Vardanyan