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3D graphics library for .NET [closed]


I would like to learn to make simple 3D applications for Windows 7 / desktop. By that, I mean spheres, triangles or pixels moving around in 3D space. It does not have to be very complicated as of yet. For this, I would like to use C# language with .NET (Java/C++ is my second priority).

I know this has been asked many times around the internet, but I feel like many of the questions are outdated, many APIs deprecated and tutorials too old.

I was thinking about learning XNA, but then I learned that Microsoft does not plan to develop and support it anymore. SharpDX also seemed like a good way to go, but that seems to be aimed for Windows Store and Phone apps.

While looking on the internet, Managed DirectX seemed exactly what I was looking for (the syntax, the complexity), but again, that is way too deprecated for me to use.

Can you please guide me what I should learn to create simple yet solid 3D applications?

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Janman Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 18:02


2 Answers

Take a look at SlimDX. It's an open-source, free, managed library for DirectX (DirectX 11). Each release coincides with a DirectX release, so most of the time it's pretty up-to-date. I've used it and it was quite easy to get started. Here (scroll down) is a comparison with other possibilities you mentioned.

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Daniel A.A. Pelsmaeker Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 16:10

Daniel A.A. Pelsmaeker

The simplest is probably to use WPF 3D. This is a retained mode graphics system, so if you don't have huge needs (ie: special shaders for effects, etc), it's very easy to setup and use directly.

Otherwise, a more elaborate 3D system, such as XNA, may be more appropriate. This will be more work to setup, but give you much more control.

  1. Tutorial 1: Displaying a 3D Model on the Screen
  2. WPF
  3. XNA
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zandi Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
