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Git repo keeps showing modified files even in a fresh clone


People also ask

What is a dirty git repo?

According to the official Git documentation, in the section on Stashing, a dirty state is defined as ... the dirty state of your working directory — that is, your modified tracked files and staged changes . From this definition, files staged for commit are dirty as well.

How do you update a repository after cloning?

Update, then WorkUpdate your local repo from the central repo ( git pull upstream master ). Make edits, save, git add , and git commit all in your local repo. Push changes from local repo to your fork on github.com ( git push origin master ) Update the central repo from your fork ( Pull Request )

How do I know if git LFS is working?

If everything is set up correctly, you can verify that git LFS is going to work properly by: git add the file(s) in question. Do one of the following: Run git lfs status and ensure the file(s) in question appear under Git LFS objects to be committed , and that they have the LFS value in parenthesis; or.

I am having a strange issue I have never had before with a Git repo. I have not edited any files however when I run git status I get the result in the image below that shows a whole folder of modified files. The strange thing is, I cannot even git add FILENAME or similar command to add all, when I run a git add command they do not get added but yet they still show up as modified.

To make it even worse, I cloned my github repo into a new fresh directory and the issue still appears in that repo! SO I assume there is some sort of corruption or something wrong, since it appears anyone can clone my repo and get the same result!

Has anyone ever seen this, or better have a clue as to how to resolve? I have tried several commands to clear out any changed or unchanged files but these files still show up when git status is ran!

The Github repo is here https://github.com/jasondavis/zpanelx

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