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Zoomed-out sizing in twitter bootstrap?

I like the sizes of all items using twitter bootstrap when (in my browser) I've zoomed out twice, ctrl -, ctrl -, rather than the default, viewing with ctrl+0.

Zooming affects font sizes, the responsive design, and a dozen of the other great reasons I want to use bootstrap, so I don't want to hackishly just fix a width and break all of that.

Does Bootstrap have a single CSS value (or a small set of them) that I can change somewhere that produces something like this zoom and sizing? I realize setting zoom itself is more of a browser-issue, so I'd rather not hard-code it that way, either.


The answer might be closer to this:

Setting max width for body using Bootstrap

...which suggests no? I have to recompile bootstrap?

like image 640
Mittenchops Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 20:12


1 Answers

With css you can do:

body {
    zoom: 75%;

See: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-device-adapt/#the-lsquozoomrsquo-descriptor

and What Does 'zoom' do in CSS?

It appears that zoom may not (as of August 2013) be currently supported in Firefox.

like image 189
stephenbez Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 11:12
