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Zoom an inline 3D matplotlib figure *without* using the mouse?

This question explains how to change the "camera position" of a 3D plot in matplotlib by specifying the elevation and azimuth angles. ax.view_init(elev=10,azim=20), for example.

Is there a similar way to specify the zoom of the figure numerically -- i.e. without using the mouse?

The only relevant question I could find is this one, but the accepted answer to that involves installing another library, which then also requires using the mouse to zoom.


Just to be clear, I'm not talking about changing the figure size (using fig.set_size_inches() or similar). The figure size is fine; the problem is that the plotted stuff only takes up a small part of the figure:


like image 550
binnev Avatar asked Mar 11 '23 04:03


1 Answers

The closest solution to view_init is setting ax.dist directly. According to the docs for get_proj "dist is the distance of the eye viewing point from the object point". The initial value is currently hardcoded with dist = 10. Lower values (above 0!) will result in a zoomed in plot.

Note: This behavior is not really documented and may change. Changing the limits of the axes to plot only the relevant parts is probably a better solution in most cases. You could use ax.autoscale(tight=True) to do this conveniently.

Working IPython/Jupyter example:

%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import display
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# Grab some test data.
X, Y, Z = axes3d.get_test_data(0.05)

# Plot a basic wireframe.
ax.view_init(90, 0)
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, rstride=10, cstride=10)

from ipywidgets import interact

@interact(dist=(1, 20, 1))
def update(dist=10):
    ax.dist = dist


dist = 10

image for dist = 10

dist = 5

image for dist = 5

like image 140
Jan Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 12:03
