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ZonedDateTimeDeserializer is missing in jackson jsr310


I'm parsing a ZonedDateTime using like this:

 @JsonSerialize(using = ZonedDateTimeSerializer.class)
 private ZonedDateTime expirationDateTime;

I need to be able to properly deserialize this date. However, there is no deserializer for this that is provided by jackson:


Is there a reason why it's missing? What is the most common workaround?

Updated: Here is my scenario:

I create ZonedDateTime like this:

ZonedDateTime.of(2017, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ZoneOffset.UTC)

Then I serialize the object that contains the date like this:

public static String toJSON(Object o) {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    StringWriter sWriter = new StringWriter();
    try {
        JsonGenerator jsonGenerator = objectMapper.getJsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(sWriter);
        objectMapper.writeValue(jsonGenerator, o);
        return sWriter.toString();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(e);

And when I try to send it to Spring MVC Controller:


The date object that goes inside the controller is different.

Before: 2017-01-01T01:01:01.000000001Z

After: 2017-01-01T01:01:01.000000001Z[UTC]