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ZigBee Mesh VS DigiMesh

Which is better, ZigBee Mesh (Series 2) or DigiMesh (Series 1)?

I have already read Wireless Mesh Networking, ZigBee vs. DigiMesh (PDF format), but I noted there are many advantages of using DigiMesh, instead, I expected to read that Series 2 is better than Series 1 for all.

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Nicola Avatar asked Oct 05 '22 18:10


1 Answers

ZigBee is a standard protocol supported by multiple vendors. DigiMesh is specific to XBee modules, and is available on various radios (2.4GHz, 900MHz, 868MHz).

In ZigBee, you have a single coordinator for the network, router devices that are always on, and end devices that can sleep to conserve power.

In DigiMesh, all devices are routers that can sleep to conserve power.

The White Paper that you linked to is the best summary of the differences between the two, and advantages of each.

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tomlogic Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10
