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ZeroMQ Message Size Length Limit?


Suppose that several machines are interacting together using python's zeroMQ client.

These messages are naturally formatted as strings.

Is there a limit to the length of a message (string)?

like image 373
user3262424 Avatar asked Jul 01 '11 02:07


2 Answers

There is no limit to the size of messages being sent however small messages are handled differently than large messages (see here).

The max size of a small messages is defined in the source code at 30 bytes (see here, look for ZMQ_MAX_VSM_SIZE).

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kwo Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 20:10


There is the socket option ZMQ_MAXMSGSIZE which causes a peer sending an oversized message to be disconnected, but the default is "no limit".

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Rob Agar Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 18:10

Rob Agar