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Zerofill with Doctrine2

It looks like an easy task, but I can't get it done:
How do I define a column to be UNSIGNED ZEROFILL with Doctrine2?

I can't find any information about it in the docs.

Thx for any help!

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sprain Avatar asked Jun 02 '11 11:06


2 Answers

Do you need it on database level or is it required only by the application? You could append zeros on the application level:

class MyEntity {
    public function getSomeColumn() {
        return sprintf('%05d', $this->someColumn); // or str_pad(...)

However if you really need it on database level then you'll have to annotate the column as a string: @Column(type="string", columnDefinition="UNSIGNED INTEGER(5) ZEROFILL")

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Crozin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10


The good syntax is :

@Column(type="integer", columnDefinition="INT(5) UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
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loicfavory Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 04:10
