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zero length arrays vs. pointers


EDIT: apparently some of this isn't allowed/has changed in various C standards. For my own hypothetical benefit, let's pretend we're using gcc test.c with no standard or warning options.

In particular I'm looking at the under-the-hood specifics. I've added my current understanding. Am I right?

char **c1;   //Size for a pointer is allocated on the stack. sizeof(c1) == sizeof(void*) char *c2[0]; //Nothing is allocated on the stack.  sizeof(c2) == 0 

is there some other difference between these two cases I'm not aware of (besides sizeof)?

struct a {    int i;    char c[0]; //sizeof(a) is sizeof(int)?  a.c == (&i)+1? }; 

As I understand it, this is typically used for variable length arrays at the end of structures. But what about

struct b {    char *c[0] //sizeof(b) is 0?  where does c point? };  int j; struct b myb; //myb.c == (&j)+1 == $esp? 

Furthermore, how is the address of a zero length array known if space for its pointer is never allocated anywhere? I suppose the same way a regular array's address is known, but I'm struggling to wrap my mind around it at the moment.

like image 704
jdizzle Avatar asked Mar 09 '09 18:03


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1 Answers

The only time I've ever seen zero-length arrays actually used is when you want to have a variable length structure.

As in this example taken from here

    struct line {        int length;        char contents[0];      };       struct line *thisline = (struct line *)        malloc (sizeof (struct line) + this_length);      thisline->length = this_length; 

You don't want to use a pointer in the above struct as you want the contents to be part of the allocated memory of the structure.

If you do a sizeof on the above struct it doesn't include any space for the contents. I'm not sure if this ever made it into a standard, it gives warnings on various compilers.

like image 136
Andrew Barrett Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Andrew Barrett