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Zend form setRequired(true) or addValidator(NotEmpty)

Is there any real difference between the behavior or output of these 2. They look to me like they do the same thing.


like image 992
jblue Avatar asked Oct 06 '10 10:10


1 Answers

Yes, there's a difference. If an element is not required, it'll validate even if the whole value is missing from the data you validate against. The value is only validated against registered validators after it's been determined that it exists. NotEmpty validator will only fail if the field is present, but is empty.

Also, it's not necessary to add NotEmpty validator yourself, by default Zend auto inserts NotEmpty validator for elements, if the element is required. So effectively doing ->setRequired(true) is same as doing ->setRequired(true)->addValidator('NotEmpty'). You can turn off this behavior with ->setAutoInsertNotEmptyValidator(false).

like image 108
reko_t Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 09:11
