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YouTube API V3 - How to get normalized game title?

I am trying to get the normalized game name using youtube API for a video if it is in Gaming category.

For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIvWgSpy31k, for this video I can see its normalized game name is the description:

normalized game name in description

But when I use the videos.list method, I can not see this returned. After checking all the properties for the video, I can not find it either.

Is there any way to fetch the game name?

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Yang Yu Avatar asked May 24 '16 02:05

Yang Yu

1 Answers

That information isn't exposed by the YouTube API. You can see that by checking the documentation for Videos.list which returns a list of videos resources this is the information available about a video.

You can request it as a new feature here gdata-issues why they are using a gdata forum for issues I have no idea.

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DaImTo Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
