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YouTube API v3 detect if subscribed to a channel

I want to be able to detect if the currently authenticated user is subscribed to a specific YouTube channel in the YouTube API v3.

A possible solution would be to retrieve a list of all the subscriptions of the currently authenticated user and check if the channel ID of the channel is contained in that list. That would would be a very inefficient solution and could take a very long time if the user has hundreds of subscriptions.

Is there any easy method to check this? I looked through the entire API documentation and I couldn't find anything.

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JonasG Avatar asked Apr 03 '14 18:04


1 Answers

Use the subscriptions#list method and pass mine = true and the channel ID you want to check in forChannelId. If the authenticated user is not subscribed to that channel, it will return an empty list.

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Vinicius Pinto Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 03:10

Vinicius Pinto