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Youtube API: no way to get liked videos from user's activity feed

It's a known issue that Youtube API (v2) doesn't support liked videos - http://www.youtube.com/my_liked_videos (not http://www.youtube.com/my_favorites). The trick was to use events API for user's recent activity and filter out those with yt:rating.value = like. However, when I hit this endpoint https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/events?inline=true (with proper authorization headers), I only get last 24 events and all of them are of 'X has uploded a video' type. Has anyone experienced this and figured out what is wrong?

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Arman Avatar asked Nov 17 '12 07:11


People also ask

Are liked videos hidden on YouTube?

You can show activities such as liking a video, or subscribing to a channel in your activity feed. You can also choose to keep these activities private. After December 5, your public “Liked videos” playlist will be made private, which means only you will be able to see this playlist.

Why can't I see my liked videos on YouTube?

Unfortunately, the Liked Videos playlist is private by default. Unlike other playlists that you create on YouTube, you cannot make it public. So you can view everything on the list whenever you want, but you can't share it with anyone else.

Where are YouTube liked videos stored?

Click liked videos:On the homepage of your YouTube account, you will find an option "Liked videos" to the left side of the page. You need to scroll down and select the "Liked videos" located in the middle. Doing so will open a page with a list of your youtube liked videos.

1 Answers

You can get liked videos without much effort in v3 of the API. I don't think there's a workaround for this in v2.

In v3, make a channels.list(part=contentDetails) call to get the "likes" playlist id, and then do a playlistItems.list() call to get the contents of that playlist, i.e. the videos that have been liked.

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Jeff Posnick Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Jeff Posnick