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"Your project does not explicitly specify the CocoaPods master specs repo" warning when running pod install

After I ran pod install, I got a warning that said:

[!] Your project does not explicitly specify the CocoaPods master specs repo. Since CDN is now used as the default, you may safely remove it from your repos directory via pod repo remove master.

To suppress this warning please add warn_for_unused_master_specs_repo => false to your Podfile.

Why did I get this warning? Previously, I was able to ran pod install without any warnings.

Here's another detail if that's helpful: I wasn't able to use sudo gem install to install/upgrade CocoaPods, so I used this command instead:

sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods 
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fdvfarzin Avatar asked Dec 22 '20 10:12


People also ask

How do I know if CocoaPods is installed on my Mac?

To find if Cocoapods is installed or not run cmd (pod --version). if theresult is (Not Found) Pods is not installed.

What is Spec repo?

The Specs Repo is the repository on GitHub that contains the list of all available pods. Every library has an individual folder, which contains sub folders of the available versions of that pod. See the Private Pods section for an explanation of the Spec repo's file structure.

2 Answers

When running the 'pod repo remove master' I was greeted with:

[!] repo master does not exist 

I did a ....

pod repo list  cocoapods - Type: git (master) - URL:  https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git - Path: /Users/plasma/.cocoapods/repos/cocoapods  trunk - Type: CDN - URL:  https://cdn.cocoapods.org/ - Path: /Users/plasma/.cocoapods/repos/trunk 

Noticed the 'master' is actually called 'cocoapods' so then I did a..

pod repo remove cocoapods 

One that had completed I was able to do update and install without any errors.

like image 57
Plasma Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09


Run the command pod repo remove master

like image 27
Paul Beusterien Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 13:09

Paul Beusterien