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Your criteria in using a new technology or programming language

What are your criteria or things that you consider when you are an early adopter of a programming language or technology?

Two of the most common explanations I've heard are:

  1. It should be "fun" (what I've heard from technical people).
  2. It should be capable of solving our problem (what I've heard from business people).

So what's yours?

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yoitsfrancis Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 17:02


2 Answers

I've made this change several times over my career spanning various companies, moving from C to Java to Ruby to Haskell for the majority of my software development.

In all cases, I've been looking for more expressive power and better abstractions. This is always driven by business needs: how can I develop better software more cheaply? To me, the challenge of this problem is "fun," so fun rather automatically comes along with it. Justifying the business value to managers can be difficult, however; they often don't have the technical skills to understand why one programming language can be better than another, and are worried about moving to technology that they understand even less than the current one. (I solved this problem by taking over the manager's job as well: I started a company.)

It's hard to say what exactly to look for in a new language. You obviously don't have a detailed grasp of the language, or you would already be using it or know why you're not. Vast experience will bring an instinct that will make certain languages "smell" better than others, but—and this can make it especially hard to convince others to look at a new language—you won't know precisely what features give you big advantages. An example would be pattern matching: it's a feature found in relatively few languages, and though I knew about it, I had no idea when I started in with Haskell that this would be a key contributor to productivity improvement.

While it's negative ("avoid this") advice rather than positive ("do this") advice, one fairly easy rule is to avoid spending a lot of time on languages very similar to ones you already know well. If you already know Ruby, learning Python is not likely to teach you much in the way of big new things; C# and Java would be another example. (Although C# is starting to get a few interesting features that Java doesn't have.)

Looking at what the academic community is doing with a language may be helpful. If it's a fertile area of research for academics, there's almost certainly going to be interesting stuff in there, whereas if it's not it's quite possible that there's nothing interesting there to learn.

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cjs Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 00:03


My criteria is simple:

  • wow factor
  • simple
  • gets things done
  • quick
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Ólafur Waage Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 22:03

Ólafur Waage