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Your choice of cross-browser javascript GUI [closed]

UPDATE - A comprehensive comparison, updated as of February 2015, can be found here:

Alternatives to Ext JS

2008 question:

There are a number of great and not so-great Javascript GUI frameworks out there. I've looked at some (only superficially). And I can't make my mind about any of them

Scroll to the end of this question to see what others say

  • Ext.js The obvious choice by many since it's one of the most known frameworks.
    Advantages: Looks awesome, large community, lots of extensions/plugins, GPL'ed
    Disadvanatges: Inability to use third-party extensions with commercial license (and some of those extensions have killer features)

  • Backbase Relatively less known. A curious mix of XML and Javascript that is reminiscent of XUL. However, it's already cross-browser
    Advantages: Looks good, very extensible, allows easy incorporation of some really neat stuff
    Disadvantages: Pricing is steep and CPU-bound (though free to use on up to 2 CPUs), forums are slow to respond (though commercial support is supposedly fast)

  • qooxdoo Also very popular.
    Advantages: Please, fill in
    Disadvantages: Code is slighly messy (based on hearsay)

  • YUI Fill in description
    Advantages: Well organized code Disadvantages: Many widgets still in beta

  • Dojo Fill in description
    Advantages: Incremental loading of classes
    Disadvantages: MIght feel bloated

  • jQuery UI
    Advantages: Widgets not dependent on each other
    Disadvantages: In an early stage of development, very few widgets
    Possible tendency towards wider acception: jQuery to be shipped with ASP.NET MVC

What say you? What do you use and why? What would you rather use and why? In any kind of project

To be updated with your input...

See this excellent comment from Sergey Ilinsky which explains very nicely which framework you should choose when you want to just pimp up your page, build an application with a rich frontend (with several choices, no less)

An interesting comment in another thread compares jQuery, Dojo, Prototype, Mootools, Sproutcore and Cappuccino (the question was removed).

like image 723
Mamut Avatar asked Oct 20 '08 14:10


People also ask

Is JavaScript cross platform compatible?

But it isn't supported uniformly across all browsers. With typed arrays, JS code can access and modify raw binary data. Along with modern browsers, this feature is only supported by IE10 and above. Did you know, how to test your website on the latest IE versions?

What to do if JavaScript is not working?

On the web browser menu click on the "Edit" and select "Preferences". In the "Preferences" window select the "Security" tab. In the "Security" tab section "Web content" mark the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox. Click on the "Reload the current page" button of the web browser to refresh the page.

What is the problem with JavaScript?

These days, most cross-browser JavaScript problems are seen: When poor-quality browser-sniffing code, feature-detection code, and vendor prefix usage block browsers from running code they could otherwise use just fine. When developers make use of new/nascent JavaScript features, modern Web APIs, etc.)

2 Answers

When considering a JavaScript library/framework for usage you should first define on your goals. I used to separate all JavaScript libraries/frameworks into three categories by their purpose and architecture:

  1. I want to pimp up my page with some really "cool" features. Go for JavaScript library.

    • jQuery
    • ZenoUI
    • old: Prototype, Mootools
  2. I want to build an application with a rich front-end. I like defining UI with JavaScript and I do not mind much using custom APIs of these libraries for coding my application logic. Go for JavaScript post-library/pre-framework.

    • extjs
    • kendo
    • DHTMLX
    • Dojo
    • YUI
    • Qooxdoo
    • jQuery UI
    • Bindows - generates the exact look of Windows
    • Spry (raw, suffers severely of memory leaks)
  3. I want to build an application with a rich front-end. I like defining UI in XML and I would like to code my application logic against standard APIs and make use of other developer-facing standard-based technologies. Go for JavaScript framework.

    • Sproutcore
    • Backbase
    • Ample SDK

For a more detailed comparison, see the alternatives to ExtJS.

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Sergey Ilinsky Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10

Sergey Ilinsky

On the contrary I find qooxdoo syntax and code organization very clear. It is much like swing or gtk. I have tried Dojo as well, without much success. My no.1 choice for RIAs is qooxdoo. It is rich, coder-friendly, free and well documented.

My choice for any other (browser based) JavaScript work is jQuery. Although other libraries (prototype, mochikit etc) are all useful, jQuery is the hype now. Having an active (and big) community counts.

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muhuk Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10
